From Astronomy to Theology

On 21 August 2018, Doru Costache gave a talk, ‘From Astronomy to Theology: The Interdisciplinary Story of Abraham in Clement,’ for the research seminar of School of Philosophy and Theology (Sydney), The University of Notre Dame Australia. In his presentation, Costache addressed aspects pertaining to his current research in Clement the Alexandrian’s natural contemplation, particularly the use of Abraham as an illustration. This talk relates to the paper presented at Australian Catholic University (Melbourne), in 17 August 2018 (abstract and audio recording here).


The second century author, Clement the Alexandrian, developed a complex approach to natural contemplation which corresponds to contemporary interdisciplinary methods. One of Clement’s illustrations of this approach was Abraham, construed as an astronomer interested in the divine. This presentation, a summary of a book in preparation, will outline the elements of Clement’s method and will focus on his take on Abraham.

Audio recording From Astronomy to Theology

The book mentioned after min. 24:35 is this one. The chapter of interest can be accessed here.


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