Doru Costache presented the paper, ‘One Description, Multiple Interpretations: Suggesting a Way Out of the Current Impasse‘ for the second international conference of project Science and Orthodoxy around the World (Athens, 9 and 10 February 2018). The text of the talk is available here. He has given also an interview to Dr Kostas Tampakis (National Hellenic Research Foundation), on his journey towards and through the field of science and religion. He has likewise participated in the closing round table of the conference, moderated by Prof. Efthymios Nicolaidis, alongside Prof. John Hedley Brooke, Fr Christopher Knight, and Dr Donald Yerxa.
Video recording of the session which hosted the paper (chaired by Prof. Andrew Briggs)
The text of the talk is available here. An expanded version is currently prepared for publication.
Gathering for the conference’s keynote.
Costache together with Prof. Alexey Nesteruk and Dr Kostas Tampakis.