Ways of Knowing God 06

Lecture Sixth: Cataphatic Expressions, the Icon and the Apophatic Reverence
Lecture outlines
Faith, experience, validation and theological articulation
Cataphatic expressions
Elements of iconology
Apophatic reverence
The rapport between the various expressions of divine knowledge

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Lecture Five: Tradition and the Authentication of Divine Knowledge
Lecture outlines
The validation of divine knowledge within the ecclesial framework or the assembly of the saints
The validation of divine knowledge within tradition
The charismatic validation of divine knowledge

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Lecture Four: The Outpouring of the Spirit, the Experiences of the Saints and the Ecclesial Framework
Lecture outlines
The work of the Holy Spirit
Knowing God through the mystical experience
Knowing God in the assembly of the saints

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Lecture Three: Historical Revelation, Theophany and Knowing God through Pondering the Scriptural Witness
Lecture outlines
God’s revelation in history
The contemplation of God’s marks in Scripture

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Lecture Two: Revelation through Creation and the Contemplation of God’s Marks in Nature
Lecture outlines
God’s revelation through creation
The contemplation of God’s marks in nature

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Lecture One: The Gradual and Multiple Ways of Divine Revelation.
Lecture outlines
Our call to know God, the current landscape and the reasons for which people do not know God
How can God be known? The prerequisites of divine knowledge
God’s self-disclosure to us and its witnesses