AIOCS Conversations August-September 2024

AIOCS Conversations discusses matters of ethics, philosophy, science, society, technology, and theology. Interspersed with a series of nine interactions with Dr Graeme Finlay (see Graeme Finlay’s A Freed Man’s Worship, Parts 1-9; AIOCS’ Wagdy Samir makes a cameo appearance in the ninth instalment of the series), AIOCS’ Doru Costache recently entertained Hermina Nedelescu (PhD neuroscientist, The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego), Ted Peters (Emeritus Professor, Graduate Theological Union and Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley), Glen O’Brien (Professor, Eva Burrows College at the University of Divinity, Melbourne), and Chris Mulherin (PhD lecturer, Catholic Theological College and ISCAST Executive Director). Below are brief descriptions of the conversations and links to the video recordings uploaded to AIOCS’ YouTube channel.

AIOCS Conversations #34: Hermina Nedelescu on Neurobiology, Spirituality, and the Church

The conversation begins with biographical notes, pointing out Hermina’s multifaceted activity as a scientist, artist, person of faith, theologian, public speaker, and justice activist. It then brings to light the complex life of a Christian and scientist deeply involved in communicating information through art and in the education of church circles in regard to abnormalities most people take for granted.

AIOCS Conversations #35: Ted Peters on UFOs, the Paranormal, and Theology

Ted is a classic of theology and science, as well as public theology, who is deeply invested in exploring and interpreting the UFO/UAP phenomenon. The conversation begins with Doru’s confession of personal interest in the phenomenon, primarily catalysed by a sighting, and continues with Ted sharing insights from his activity as UFO investigator and commentator on the phenomenon. They both agree that the phenomenon is real and, after decades of derision, that it deserves serious attention from both scientists and theologians. The conversation ends with a discussion of Orthodox theology, and the lack of interest in tackling the subject matter.

AIOCS Conversations #37: Glen O’Brien on Aesthetics, Ethics, and Theology in Film

Glen is a Wesleyan theologian and historian with an interest in contemporary culture. Doru opens the conversation by reading a few lines from Basil of Caesarea’s Address to Youth, where Christian students are invited to read classical, non-Christian literature in order to boost their appreciation for wisdom and the values. Glen illustrates a similar method by introducing the course unit on film he teaches at Eva Burrows College, and refers to movies that are not patently Christian but whose aesthetic is replete with theological, spiritual, and ethical messages. A discussion about Clement and Origen of Alexandria, as well as Christian Scripture, provides a familiar framework for this conversation. The discussion ends with examples of meaningful movies from Glen’s list of preferences.

AIOCS Conversations #38: Chris Mulherin on ISCAST: Christianity and Science in Conversation

Chris is an engineer turned philosopher, lecturing at Catholic Theological College, University of Divinity, Melbourne. He addresses the many activities of ISCAST, the only Australian organisation specialised in bridging the Christian faith, science, and technology. While it is a small organisation, ISCAST engages a wide variety of audiences, from school students and teachers to academics of diverse expertise, with a middle ground of seekers of truth interested in fostering a culture of understanding between people of various backgrounds and convictions. Doru, an ISCASTian himself, prompts Chris to speak of lesser known aspects of the organisation’s activities and challenges.

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