Reading Scripture in the Orthodox Church: The Festal Cycle

The second part of Reading Scripture in the Orthodox Church is out!

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This volume of the series by Doru Costache explores the scriptural passages prescribed for the annual festal cycle, read in the liturgy in the Orthodox Christian tradition.

AIOCS Press published this book with the generous support of the Australian Research Theology Foundation Inc.

Cover design and layout by Ion Nedelcu.

ISBN 9780648440116. 102 pages.

From the Preface

Continuing the first part of this project, the author considers the significance of the passages read for the liturgies of the major festivals in the Eastern Orthodox tradition. After summarising the two prescribed texts from the Apostle and the Gospel books, he then ponders their common message against the backdrop of the respective festivals. The reflections are followed by brief sentences meant to capture the wisdom of the readings and recapitulations of the message in five keywords.

The author works with the assumption that the two readings are not gathered at random and have in fact been chosen because they convey shared wisdom. The reflections collected here are meant to serve as a starting point for both personal contemplation and preaching. To assist the more assiduous readers, the reflections are accompanied by a bibliographical list and a thematic index.


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