Early Christian Representations of Reality

On 17 April 2018, Doru Costache gave a talk, ‘Early Christian Representations of Reality,’ for the research seminars of School of Arts & Sciences and School of Philosophy & Theology, The University of Notre Dame Australia (Broadway campus).

Abstract: In this talk Protopresbyter Dr Doru Costache will present on ‘Early Christian Representations of Reality’. In this talk he will give an overview of a book that he is about to finish, focusing on aspects of the early Christian worldview. His selection of authors and texts illustrates the Greek side of the tradition, from the mid-second to the end of the fourth century. In summarising his findings, he wishes to share with us a sense of how varied and complex were the early Christian attitudes — from an initial reluctance towards everything outside of the ecclesia to attempts at interpreting the cosmos as an ecclesial milieu, and from interests in mapping reality with the aid of the available sciences to expressing environmental concerns with reference to the impact of humankind upon the world. Such glimpses of sophistication are lessons for contemporary Christians, enticing them to wonder about the world and their place within it.


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